About Coaching

What is coaching?

Coaching is a collaborative relationship to help you to identify goals and obstacles, devise solutions, actualise potential, and achieve positive growth and transformation.

My non-directive approach will allow you to discover your own answers, devise and implement your own plan of action, and assess your progress.

Coaching is NOT counselling, therapy, managing, mentoring, teaching or training. It’s not a magic bullet or a magic wand; it’s not something that ‘gets done’ to you – you have to put in some work. It can’t ‘fix’ everything.

What makes coaching different?

Coaching, counselling, managing, mentoring and teaching are NOT the same. Coaching differs from counselling in that its focus is firmly in the present/future, rather than the past, and the client/coach relationship is more evenly balanced. Unlike a management situation, goals and action plans are usually determined by the client. Coaching is non-directive and will not map out individual or group plans with pre-set goals. The terms ‘coaching’ and ‘mentoring’ are sometimes used interchangeably but they are not the same. Mentors are often older, or at least more experienced in a particular area or specialty and can provide advice and support by sharing their experiences in detail. A coach does not ‘advise’; they will open up lines of exploration and discussion and thus need not be older or more experienced. Unlike teaching or training, which focus on acquiring new knowledge or skills, coaching makes use of existing skills, knowledge and talents. Learning is a key component in all of these interactions, but in coaching this is largely self-directed and self-assessed, with the coach providing a ‘sounding board’ and additional accountability.

What are the goals of coaching?

The goals of coaching are personal to you, but can include:

Raising awareness; discover and fully realise potential; personal responsibility; self-accountability; enhance quality of life; align values with lifestyle; develop a growth mindset; enhance performance; see new perspectives and viewpoints; explore new possibilities and opportunities.

There is an overall focus of change, improvement and moving forward.